Unlock productivity with SharePoint & OneDrive integration

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Unlock productivity with SharePoint & OneDrive integration

By iDeals
August 7, 2024
1 min read
Enhanced UI and new features for corporate account

Upload from SharePoint and OneDrive

You can now upload files directly from SharePoint and OneDrive into your project. This integration simplifies the process of transferring important documents and ensures your data is centralized and easily accessible. 

Downloadable archive: secure and convenient

Our new Downloadable archive feature allows you to download your entire project as a single, compressed file. Whether for compliance purposes, audits, or peace of mind, this feature ensures that your data is accessible in secure, offline backups. In addition, the new Archives page gives access to all your project archives in one place.

Intuitive keyboard shortcuts

Our extensive list of keyboard shortcuts is designed to help you navigate and manage your project with ease. Here’s a complete list of the shortcuts we now support:

FunctionWindows shortcutmacOS shortcut
SearchCtrl + FCmd + F
Select allCtrl + ACmd + A
Deselect allCtrl + DCmd + D
CopyCtrl + CCmd + C
CutCtrl + XCmd + X
PasteCtrl + VCmd + V
Create FolderShift + FShift + F
Selection (Shift / Ctrl)Shift / CtrlShift / Cmd
Selection (Mouse)Click / DragClick / Drag
Navigation with arrowsArrow KeysArrow Keys

Upload files and manage labels on mobile

Our mobile app continues to evolve, providing users with robust functionality on the go. The latest updates include:

  • Upload Files: Uploading files from your mobile device is now simpler than ever. You can easily add documents to your project, ensuring that all relevant information is always available to your team.
  • Manage and Set Labels: Organize and categorize your files with ease by managing and setting labels directly from your mobile device. This feature allows you to maintain an organized data room, no matter where you are.

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